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Completed Projects

Reduce single use plastic Goal

Faithful to our goal of reducing the use of single-use plastic, we donated 500 reusable bags to the social grocery store of the Municipality of Spetses.

Sustainable Goals achievement:

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Purchase of a 4 X 4 Fire Engine Truck

We  have purchased a 4 x 4 fire engine truck for the needs of the Volunteer Fire Department.

Sustainable Goals achievement:

Environmental & Educational Program with MEDASSET

We succesfully completed the educational program with MEDASSET for the young children of the island.

Sustainable Goals achievement:

10-19 MAY 2023

COMMUNITY TRUST SPETSES actively participated in the implementation of the ARGOLIKORAMA project funded by the Argolic Environmental Foundation and the Bluemarine Foundation. 

During these days of May, the Spetses fishermen refrain from fishing, as this is the main spawning season.

Instead, during this period, they use their boats to collect waste from the island's hard-to-reach shores.

This year they collected a total of 90 large garbage bags, tanks, boat covers, large buoys, plastics, pipes, etc.

Argolikorama builds on the success of the same program implemented in Amorgos, called Amorgorama

In Collaboration:

Sustainable Goals achievement:

Three-day Activations for Nature, Volunteering and Social offering 
April 2023

COMMUNITY TRUST SPETSES in Collaboration with The Greek Paths of Culture/ ELLET, AMKE Travel Bare,and The Love Van organized successfully three days of activities close to nature, strengthening the spirit of volunteerism and social contribution to the residents and students of the island!


In collaboration with Greek Paths of Culture / ELLET, we welcomed Mr. Lefteris Paraskevas of AMKE Travel Bare and The Love Van, along with the volunteers Mr. Spyros Threpsiadis and Mr. Ari Katsoulis.

The group discussed with high school students about Nature, Volunteerism and Social Offering at Cine Titania and invited the Spetsian Volunteers Mr. Vassilis Giannakoulias (blood donor and member of the Spetsian Volunteer Fire Department) and Mr. Christoforos Kontaratos (environmentalist and volunteer guide for the Paths of Culture) to participate.


Lefteris and Spyros hiked with the group in the Paths of Spetses and participated in games and cooking activities in nature.


The highlight of Travel Bare's activities was cooking in nature with the Love Van, a mobile cooking unit that prepares meals. They all prepared meals and offered them to the Spetses Home for the Elderly.

Sustainable Goals achievement:

Installation of Water Filters and Bottle Filling Stations in all Spetses Kindergartens and Schools

Following our vision of adapting a more sustainable life in the island, COMMUNITY TRUST SPETSES organized a ‘’Reduce Single-Use Plastic’’ Campaign for all school units.

Students at all schools in Spetses were educated about the importance of reducing the use of plastic and the effects of plastic pollution in the environment and the sea.

Furthermore, COMMUNITY TRUST SPETSES installed bottle-filling coolers with water filters in all school units to reduce the use of plastic water bottles by students. All filling stations have a digital counter that informs - according  their usage - how many plastic bottles were saved, giving a further motivation to the students!

Sustainable Goals achievement:

Educational and Environmental program
for Elementary and Primary School Students

MAY 2022

COMMUNITY TRUST SPETSES in cooperation with MEDASSET gave the opportunity to students of the Elementary and Primary School to learn of the importance of the Sea Turtle Life Cycle and how to protect marine and coastal habitats in the Mediterranean.